On Black Friday, I woke up to 2 articles in NY Times: 1. Yet another obituary of the only Black Woman running to be President, which has yet to write an obituary about Non-POC candidates who are polling lower than Kamala: Amy, Steyer, Bloomberg, Delaney, Bennett -Why is that? 1/4
An obituary based on a letter written by a former staffer who is now conveniently the COO of Bloomberg (What a timely gift to Bloomberg’s campaign on Black Friday) 2/4
2. Comparison of a 37 year old candidate who is mayor of a town of 100,000 rife with increasing racial tensions, whose campaign used stock photos to tout his racial justice plan & faked endorsements from Black supporters, to the First Black man elected to be President 3/6
Obama, who was a State Senator and Senator, who had invested years of authentic outreach to POC before running to be President. The irony and the hypocrisy is not lost on me. 4/6
No, I am not a fairweather supporter & neither are other members of #KHive who passionately support Kamala because of who she is & what she has done (which somehow eludes MSM repeatedly) & who have witnessed the misogynoir that Kamala has faced since the beginning of her campaign
We will keep organizing, making phone calls, knocking on doors, having meaningful conversations, one voter at a time, for there is no sweeter redemption than achieving victory in the face of relentless erasure and adversity. #IBelieveinKamala #ForThePeople @amydusae @mayanjeri
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