It confuses me so bad how hard leftists try to convince themselves that Native Americans were a homogenous group of painfully similar, peaceful, kumbaya, pacifists. My ancestors, the Apache, Comanche, and Mohawks are three that immediately come to mind that put that into check.
The Apache’s weren’t always called “Apache”. In fact, they didn’t even call themselves Apache. According to the website from the San Carlos rez, Ap’ak’tche was the word other tribes gave them that meant “the war like ones” or “violent ones”. In fact, Apache’s used to cut off
the noses of women who were found to be adulterous. There are images of women who had their noses cut off.

Leftists like to imagine tribal people back in the day were just like hippies. It’s a weird fantasy they love to convince themselves of, because it reinforces their views
and reaffirms their weird obsession with the evil settler, and the innocent indigenous. Even if it borders on historically revisionist. And then... here’s the kicker. Hollywood, that is obviously a far left segment of the entertainment industry, is blamed by leftists
as the reason Americans believe the things about the natives that they do. Which confuses the piss out of me. I’ve seen this repeated time and time again when it comes to Thanksgiving and this time of year.
Columbus Day, Thanksgiving... two holidays crazy people fawn over and get offended on behalf of others for.

Hey. Stop it. Let people enjoy things. Also. Both holidays are so removed from the origin of themselves and are no longer remotely related to what they used to be about.
Besides for namesake. I really wish crazy white people would stop going full dipshit, and being offended on behalf of people. They’re really irritating.
Here is one of the photos, from the American Historical Society that depicts the very same. While it is true that not ALL tribes did things like this, to say that NONE of the tribes had peculiar and violent practices is ridiculous and inaccurate.
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