“If I were to meet a student that has a passion for science but has little to no confidence in themselves, I would tell them to not let their fears or insecurities stop them. Almost everyone, even very successful scientists, have fears of failure or feel insecure at times." 1/n
"I would encourage the student to acquire skills they will need to move forward and to make connections with people (mentors and the like) that believe in them and will help them continue to grow and learn.” 2/n
Dr. Leon Coleman is an assistant professor & researcher in Pharmacology @ the @UNC Thurston-Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies. His research involves looking at neuroimmune mechanisms & neuron-glial interactions involved in the pathology of alcohol addiction & negative affect. 3/n
Dr. Coleman was part of the Chancellor’s Diversity Task Force from 2004-2005 & he won the Eskelund Award for Excellence in Pediatric Surgery in 2013. Aside from teaching and conducting research, Leon enjoys exercising at the Ram’s Head Rec Center & spending time with friends. 4/n
This post was contributed by @wes_f_hunter who is enrolled in Dr. @vijisathy #UNCpsyc530 course as part of a series reflecting on who they are as scientists and the scientists around them. 5/5
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