Quick mini-thread: It's old news at this point, but some perspective on the latest attempt to make Burned Furs version 4.0 or whatever iteration of the tried-and-failed garbage these guys keep trying to put a fresh coat of paint over and expecting different results.

In a nutshell, it's an attempt to return the fandom to the so-called "good old days" when you could say the n-word as much as you want and not get any pushback as it was just a "different opinion." All for the low low price of $5/month to join, because a fool and their money.

As someone who was around during the "good old days" (y'know, when there were "too many gays in the fandom") someone once said that if anyone ever tried to make a group to improve the fandom they'd have the albatross of Burned Fur around their necks.

And that sucks, because I believe Furry fandom is a force for Good and capable of amazing things, and these sad sacks of shitberries keep ruining it for the rest of us.

We're constantly improving while these guys keep repeating the same mistakes and trying to go backwards.

I'm not sure where I was going with this besides thinking it'd be neat to have a group that doesn't tolerate racism, homophobia, transphobia, and all the other crapulence these guys keep trying to sell the fandom at large.

But most of the fandom doesn't tolerate it already.

That's why these guys are so _angry_.

That's why they want to go back to the "good old days" that only exist in their imagination.

Because Furry fandom keeps on growing and improving without them and they're either unable or unwilling to grow with it.

It's not up to me (or you) to drag these guys out their mire. Based on past experience there's little ROI in it. You can't force someone to change their mind if they don't wanna change it, which is why we keep seeing these guys repeating the same mistakes over and over.

With any luck, five years from now these guys will look back on this with the same sense of embarrassment that pretty much all the former Burned Furs do.

Or they'll simply seethe angrily at the rest of us continuing to have fun in this amazing and diverse fandom of ours.


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