I’m so glad to see more and more people talking about how the internet evolving (from a bunch of niche communities to being on a few major social media platforms) is a big contributor to the problem. These sites are continually destroy boundaries between communities and forcing
Unwanted interactions and shoving communities and content that shouldn’t overlap together. Antis need to stop blaming the content creators who are trying to regulate their work but have little they can do with the tools the sites give them and start supporting the need for
A site that allows proper boundaries to be implemented. The fact that corporations move away from boundaries because they make more money when there’s more engagement so purposely stir up discourse means antis are playing directly into their hands by getting riled up instead of
Doing the more radical thing which is to fight back against the systems instead of picking on people they should be supporting.
So many nsfw artists warn on their accounts that their content is 18+. Why are antis always seeking it out and digging through these spaces then screenshotting this content that wouldn’t be readily available to communities who don’t want to see it only to shove it in their faces?
What purpose does it serve to make content that you don’t like that was more niche now available to everyone who would be upset by it?? I feel like social media sites destroying boundaries contributes to why antis feel like this is what has to be done. I wonder how much social
Media sites are shaping the younger generation’s understanding of boundaries. Boundaries are already poorly talked about in society. Antis need to understand that the answer is boundaries, both on a site and individual level, not censorship.
Others have talked about these points better and more articulate and in-depth than me, but I’m just so relieved to see it being talked about more and more.
You can follow @woopsnotananti.
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