If you don’t think a person’s background and beliefs inform the way they write code you are incredibly lucky to have lived a life where you haven’t had to notice.

Our environments and experiences shape how we think. And it impacts our work.
People who aren’t blind don’t immediately consider screen readers as a use.

If you’ve never been harassed you might not see a problem allowing anyone to message anyone.

If you only recognize two genders your drop downs will reflect that.

Our experience influence our work.
It costs you nothing to let down your guard and admit that you have some biases, and that others do too.

Code is everywhere. It determines your health care. It determines your credit.

And it’s written by humans with experiences.
The hardest thing for many to understand is that these experiences get in the code without malice. They are unintentional. They are hard for anyone to notice if everyone has the same experiences. We can only fix things if we allow ourselves to be open to learning.
You can follow @bphogan.
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