I’ve come to believe that minimizing tickers and the rate at which you have to make decisions is key to happiness.

Ticker = any indication of the current status of your goals/problems. Graphs. Charts. Red lines. Green lines. KPIs. Especially up to the minute, hour, or day.
When I left day-to-day ops in our businesses...

I went from constantly (by the min) checking stats (MRR, P&L, churn, Slack notifications, etc).

...to suddenly having nothing to check.

I had asked our CEOs to only send me metrics once a month via email.
Suddenly all the data and problems were a month late...

Four big things changed:

1. I went into withdrawal at first—like sugar, I craved the dopamine hit of seeing a green chart go up

2. My stress level dropped massively. I slept better and felt calmer during the day.
3. I realized that decisions could often be made at a much slower cadence.

4. Most problems ended up getting solved well before they even got to me.

Decision fatigue is real.
You can follow @awilkinson.
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