MB he knows America: 1. Donald, a traitorous Russian cowardly a-ole goes to Afghanistan 2 visit troops, all is forgiven & forgotten by soldiers forced to watch Fox on base forever & coaxed into Jesus service no USA service by Evangelical chaplains beholden 2evil a-oles like Jerry https://twitter.com/BonJS0370/status/1200431409598488579
Falwell ; 2. Generals I thought castrated but guess they now outmaneuvered by having soldiers beholden to Donald. Same thing as Hitler did outmaneuvering his generals. Too smart 4 Donald looks like Putin's plan. Seems Pentagon good at looking at gr8 new superweapons but powerless
when soldiers brainwashed, so they have to allow Donald to screw the US Constitution w/impunity. Another totally unrelated example of how America is f*cked: At @MSNBC, to an add begging $$$ for Salvation Army showing ppl starved & homeless, follows: "Skin Sin #17: Too many after-
parties." Who checks add sequence? America still divided among those who have too much & don't know what 2do w/it (be super-rich or generals) & those angry who don't have enough(soldiers, poor).Rich gets tax breaks, angry poor get targets to hate & afterlife hope? Sad but true.
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