We stopped a guy on the street for solid legal reasons. He didn’t want to give his name, saying he wasn’t legally required to. Said he wasn’t trying to be annoying but had rights. He wasn’t being annoying & he did have rights. we talked like adults. I love when people ask ‘why’
I said ‘you should ask why. Here’s why. If we randomly stopped you to chat, you can tell us to get bent. Walk away. I support that. But this is not that. This is an articulable reasonable suspicion (say what it is) and so you do have to tell us your name. That’s why....’
And he nodded and said ‘ok. Just wanted to know what’s going on’. We talked. He went on his way. I told him I don’t want neighbors who don’t ask what’s going on. If I can’t say why I’m doing something in one clear legal sentence, then I shouldn’t be doing it. That’s the point
Hell, I’ve showed neighbors the codes or law on my phone. We’ve discussed it. If it’s not a violent emergency, why not. I’m not afraid of neighbors who question me. I’m afraid of a society that doesn’t.
That call ended with us giving the guy a bottle of water and helping him call an Uber. I had held his knife for him while we chatted on the dark street and I actually didn’t forget to give it back. It doesn’t have to be dramatic.
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