Uber launched http://work.co  (Uber Works) which is basically Uber for freelance workers. Not the online/digital kind but the offline kind - Waiters, Dishwashers, Packers, Cleaners, Cashiers etc.
I think it's a master stroke. Thread.
This idea first came out sometime end of last year that Uber was testing an on-demand staffing business. Seems like the pilot went well.
What could be the reason to enter this space?
First and obvious one - Uber at its core is an on-demand business.
On-demand temp staffing is a good pain point to solve and a decently large market in the US (think no. of waiters, car cleaners, packers, etc)
Uber's core tech of matching supply and demand can be replicated here.
The second reason though is the more interesting one
Most Uber drivers are basically freelancers. They don't have a full time job and they ride Uber for only parts of the day.
But earnings from driving Uber Cabs alone isn't enough to support a family.
Enter Uber Works
Driver is not finding rides for the day (or gets bored). Opens Uber Works and finds another job for the day.
Added benefit is he can just drive there immediately 😄
What does this imply? Drivers stick around with Uber for higher income. Means more supply liquidity in cab market. And hence better ETAs for customers (the flywhee!) Also better liquidity for the Works market (another flywheel!)
Will the drivers do this? Yes because more income.
Can the drivers do this? Yes. Temp jobs like cashier, dishwasher are no/low-skill jobs unlike a plumbing or electrician job.
@akhi_agarwal - thoughts?
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