Now @jo3grace saying we have had sensory rooms for 50 years but there is no underpinning research justifying sensory rooms #flosfinalforum
. @jo3grace “The vast majority of sensory rooms are having no impact” #flosfinalforum
Often sensory rooms have been installed on the basis of how they look @jo3grace #flosfinalforum
. @jo3grace Jan and Ad developed the first multi sensory room in an institution where people with complex needs were locked away #flosfinalforum #snoezelen
. @jo3grace they began with a tent where they brought natural resources in for the people to experience. They were then given a room but they were at pains to explain it wasn’t all about the room #flosfinalforum
. @jo3grace “A chilling phrase saying “If they still have a spark of independence...” after a period of institution” #flosfinalforum
. @jo3grace Flo developed what she called a rumpus room. #flosfinalforum
#flosfinalforum Where the Wild Things Are masks time surprise Flo @jo3grace
Happy retirement to Flo #flosfinalforum @jo3grace
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