For some people things like honesty, rule of law, ethics, whether a person has the morality or ability to really govern seem to mean little as long as they can fill the court with judges that are for the right to life even if those judges are incompetent, political appointees...
They believe that the Democrats are for abortion on demand and consequently they will vote Republican...
They do not see that the death penalty is a lack of respect for life as the people are guilty (something called unequal justice leaves this in doubt). They do not care about
the fact that so many are killed by weapons unnecessarily.
They apparently did not hear, as I did, Republican men in Congress saying, "why should a man pay for a woman's prenatal care?" when that is providing care for an unborn child.
And some certainly don't want to hear about things like the fact that Planned Parenthood has not been getting Federal funding for abortions for years as they say "you know what happens when you save for a vacation but you have to take money away from it to pay for an emergency.
I would like to tell them,
It is though more like business and personal accounts than vacation and regular accounts.
If you are managing a business account for a company and start taking money to pay for your personal expenses from it your likelihood of going to prison is high.
Planned Parenthood has separate books by law and I have no doubt Republicans monitor it like hawks ready to pounce on any violations.
I know that the people I have met who used Planned Parenthood services used it for confidential screening for VDs, for pap smears, for birth control pills to relieve excessive bleeding and crsmping that was severe enough without the pills to cause absence from work and school,
for birth control to prevent pregnancy while taking medications that could cause severe birth defects when there was no other medication available, and that older parents of cognitively challenged individuals did go to planned parenthood with their adult children to prevent
pregnancy in their adult children when their adult children had genetic conditions that would cause their offspring to need care that they could not physically care for or economically support...
Medicaid covered this.
It does not cover abortions.
I remember too a time when Planned Parenthood provided a stranger danger course for cognitively challenged dependent adults... It provided information about appropriate social distances, taught the adults how to avoid being taken advantage of sexually, taught them how to protect
themselves which was a great thing as they are a vulnerable group most likely to be taken advantage of... My County, run by Republicans, put an end to that good program because of its hate of Planned Parenthood... I wonder how many of the cognitively challenged people in my
County were victimized since then.
Unfortunately the need to find another group to provide that service never entered the minds of the County officials.
And I might add that in areas where Planned Parenthood has been closed there is no real effort made now to replace it with
equal services for women or for those men who use planned parenthood services. They suffered worse cancer outcomes without proper screening and VDs spread more in the community.
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