I actually find this really telling about the antisemitism business. The history of very much normalized British antisemitism is perfectly acceptable; Corbyn meanwhile is somehow Other https://twitter.com/MikeSegalov/status/1200334834045837314
(Like, indeed, the history of the *office of the Chief Rabbi* but I digress)
As @BarnabyRaine pointed out in the best thing I've ever read on antisemitism, the antisemitisim accusations against Corbyn are shaped like antisemitism itself: https://salvage.zone/in-print/jewophobia-2/
They're based in shadowy feelings and guilt-by-association and implications that opposing capitalism makes one part of a fringe conspiracy.
So Astor having been a very properly English Hitler supporter is totes normal, she was just "a woman of her time," same way Boris Johnson's Islamophobia, homophobia and racism are naturalized.
But all the accusations against Corbyn are designed to make him and the Labour left seem non-British, outside, different, unacceptable, *alien*
Let's be 100 percent clear: antisemitism is real, deep, so deep that most people who repeat antisemitic tropes literally don't know that's what they're doing. But the real violent threat that is growing these days is from the right.
Anyway. This is actually exhausting, which is the most common daily function of most forms of racism--to suck up your *time,* your daily life, when the world makes you the problem.
Which is (to return to a hill I will die on) why we must understand antisemitism as part of white supremacy and fight all forms of racism and xenophobia together.
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