Ok, I know I’ve had a rant re voting for Liebour! I really need to explain WHY this election is so important to Scotland and independence. Scotland voted to remain part of the EU in 2016. If we don’t show a vast difference to the rest of the UK in how we vote, WM will say
There is no appetite for independence. It truly doesn’t matter what we vote for up here in terms of I.e Labour, our vote has very little impact to the rest of the UK. Now I know not all people who support independence are happy to vote SNP but I implore you, if you can this once.
This election will be a test paper for Independence. If there is a huge swing to SNP, then when the Tories are back in, as that’s what’s going to happen and we are denied a section 30, then we will have a bigger voice and support on the world stage re our democratic voice
being ignored. If the Scottish gov have to proceed through the courts, if we have a big percentage who voted SNP and ultimately to choose our own future, the Tories/WM will be powerless to stop us. This is why we must send a resounding message in this election!
We must vote for Scotland, vote for independence as if were voting in a referendum! We need to vote SNP or if we can’t bring ourselves to vote SNP, then at least Greens! We can’t allow Scotland’s voice not to be heard!
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