seein a lot of 'UK politics is shit' defeatist sentiment and, like, it kinda is. but i want to push back a little:

we are inches away from having potentially the most progressive government the UK has ever had. that is a cause for hope and joy.

please VOTE. and vote well. <3
and please talk with each other. find others who share your positions. find others who don't, and speak to them. show them your love and joy and energy and conviction. wear your beliefs on your sleeve.
we don't choose the time or circumstances of our lives but we do choose what we do with them. people power is real, it is in the hands of your family, your friends, your colleagues. reach out and hold it
and yes, I'm VERY soppy about this. i have never been on the 'winning' side of a vote. i have never felt what it's like to have my interests represented by government. i have watched the world around me be ground down by 10 years of austerity and despair.
some folks might think I give too much of a damn about things i have very little power over, but frankly: fuck that.

it is good to give a damn. it is good to be angry, because there are things in this world it is righteous as hell to be pissed off about.
I'll stop now - just wanted to get a lot of feelings off my chest and out there into the void.
basically this bit
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