I see people complaining all the time about their circumstances or attempt to tell me that I am where I am because of my parents or whatever stories they’ve invented about me.

But here’s Tanto Blacks in Dubai
What ppl don’t know. Tanto was my empoloyee at my Garage as a car wash guy. He could barely read much less sign his name.

He always had gimmicks , he always spoke about being rich, & preached that being rich was a state of mind first.
Tanto in Dubai -
He would always jump in the customers cars and blast their music and sing - I know you guys hate that at the carwash. I’d have to come out of my office and curse “ Dude... wtf”

“ Alright bossy “
Then I’d overhear him mumble one say I’m gonna be - drum roll
“ real rich “
One day ... I had to fire Tanto. This man wouldn’t stop singing and blasting customer’s speakers and leaving his CD’s in their car

I said “ If you wanna do f’ing music do f’ing music, but stop wasting my time and yours”
Just like in the Dubai video... In true Tanto fashion the man took up his bag and high stepped through my gate. As he walked he said “ I’m gonna bus and be - drum roll - Real Rich”
The following week Tanto turns up at Magnum Kings and Queens of Dancehall . At the time is was the Creative Director for the pre-season shows. Tanto says “ Bossy I’m here “

Ticklish mi baby - was a song Tanto would have sang and performed at my garage a million times
Ticklish mi baby and Twitter were instant instant hits.... the star as we know it Tanto Blacks aka - I’m so proud- Mr. Real Rich was born.

Many people still laugh at him and say he ain’t going anywhere... but this is a ghettos youths dream being fulfilled
As an event planner and marketer, I’ve hired Tanto no less than 10 times and gladly paid him.

The take aways
1. Always believe in YOURSELF
2. Some L’s are WINs in disguise

He could have still be washing cars had I not fired him
Proud Buck !!! My bredgen in Dubai . Now that is Rich In mentality and Rich in Lifestyle! BIG UP yourself Tanto
Tanto Blacks didn’t come from a privileged house, education, or money ... meanwhile you’re stuck in a dead end job counting down days to vacation reading this tweet

Mans in Dubai living his best life.

Consider yourself “ Draped TFU “ #whatsyourexcuse
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