Not saying the A-F systems were the same, but here’s a funny story on how to improve your score: This one school was a C/D. They tried all these interventions, mentor programs, culture stuff, etc. Then major trauma happened to their school. #oklaED
Like the worst trauma in the history of the state. (I bet you know the school by now). They had a great principal and staff-the principal and some of those C/D teachers now are at a new school-but after the major trauma they dropped to an F. Weird?!?
After the school rebuilt and reorganized (expanded their limits to “nicer” neighborhoods) they improved to B status!! Weird, right?!?
That principal and the former C/D/F teachers now have an A school. Weird, right?!? Moral of the story: we are labeling KIDS. The kids who have been through trauma & haven’t had the built-in resilience & hope needed to grow academically are attending the C, D, F schools.
The kids who attend an A or B school have a resilient home which means their brains retain information in their frontal lobe. IT IS A BRAIN FUNCTIONING problem.
Do I think we ignore data-NOPE! But we sure as heck don’t put much thought into the LETTER grade. Alright I’m done. Have a great Thanksgiving.
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