New Pete ad in Iowa taking aim at Warren and Bernie over college affordability/debt (but not by name), arguing they’d alienate half the country by insisting it be “free even for the kids of millionaires”. H/t @McCormickJohn
Team Pete seems to respond to lefty criticism of the ad. this defense assumes opponents are proposing a middle class tax hike but Warren said she will pay for her plan through the wealth tax and Bernie proposed a Wall St. tax.
Pete’s full Higher Education plan is here. 
By releasing it before the last debate (to bait the moderators) and then w/ this new ad, Pete seems to think this is a good battleground for him. And Bernie and Warren think the same making a clash inevitable.
As seemingly every top Bernie staffer attacked the message of ad (and one or two Warren organizers too), Warren subtweets her response (as per usual).
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