1/ The common sense amongst conspiracy theorists is that the Titanic was sunk because JP Morgan wanted to get people like John Jacob Astor IV (opposed the Fed) out of the way. I believe this true.

But I also think it was about Nikola Tesla.
2/ One of Tesla's two main projects was in Colorado Springs, which would go on to become a major Cabal hotspot. In 1899, Tesla signed over a majority stake in the project to John Jacob Astor IV for funding. Tesla claimed to observe extraterrestrial signals here.
3/ Tesla's other main project was Wardenclyffe Tower in New York. He signed over 51% stake in his patents from here to JP Morgan. The project was shut down because a man named Guglielmo Marconi transmitted across the Atlantic first.
4/ Tesla had long suspected Marconi of stealing his patented work. Specifically, Tesla accused Marconi of stealing *17* of his patents to achieve this transatlantic signal first.
5/ Guglielmo Marconi was the Cabal golden boy. He was their pick for controlled disclosure of technology. He set up the Vatican's network for f*ck's sake.
6/ Further, look at Marconi's accolades. Order of the Crown of Italy, Senator by King of Italy, Marquess, Order of the Rising Sun, banknote from Bank of Italy with his portrait. He was even a member of the Fascist Grand Council under Mussolini.
7/ So within months of JP Morgan investing in the Wardenclyffe project, Marconi reached the goal line quicker. Beforehand, Tesla had maintained guards at Wardenclyffe to protect against patent theft. Guards presumably paid for by JP Morgan.
8/ So the Cabal had controlling interest in the Wardenclyffe Project and shut it down once the Cabal pick was given the gold medal. But he didn't have control of the Colorado Springs project -- John Jacob Astor IV had that.
9/ That brings us to the Titanic in 1912. The owner of the Titanic was White Star Line, which had been taken over by JP Morgan in 1903. John Jacob Astor IV perished on that ship.
10/ Just one small thing... One main gained his international acclaim and notoriety from the Titanic. Guglielmo Marconi.

See, the radio operators on the Titanic were not employed by White Star Line. They were employed by MARCONI International Marine Communication Company.

Instead, he opted to board the Lusitania three days prior.

12/ Worth noting is that JP Morgan approached TESLA, not the other way around. He had read an article by Tesla -- "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy". This is basically an article that bridges the gap between science and spiritual enlightenment.
13/ Oh, and those 17 patents? Tesla sued the Marconi company in 1915. It went nowhere. In fact, it was buried until it hit the Supreme Court in 1943, several months after Tesla's death on January 7, 1943 (17/1+9+4+3=17).

His patents were restored in that case.
14/ Morgan cut funding when Tesla informed him of the real plan -- Industrial power transmission. This, I believe, is the root of his free energy concept.

And Morgan shut it down.
15/ Before Morgan became involved, Marconi's setup was extraordinarily primitive. It was FAR behind Tesla. What changed? JP Morgan.
16/ Once JP Morgan cut funding, Tesla went wild on his last night. Local papers report hundreds of lightning strikes emanating from the tower. Tesla also had a 200 FOOT WELL into the ground.

"Some day... I shall make an announcement of something that I never once dreamed of."
17/ I think Tesla found the secret to extracted energy from the Earth at Wardenclyffe. I think JP Morgan found out. I think Marconi was fed the wireless tech by Morgan. I think Morgan shut Tesla down. I think Morgan squashed whatever was in Colorado by sinking the Titanic.
18/ I wanted to keep the thread at 17 posts, but...

The British Marconi Company created an American subsidiary in 1899 -- the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company for America. Treasurer: August Belmont, representative for the Rothschilds in America.
19/ 4 years earlier, in 1895, JP Morgan and August Belmont (Rothschilds) bailed out the US Government, in what was called the Morgan-Belmont Agreement.
20/ Just in case I haven't made my point about Marconi, guess who sent the biggest wreath for his funeral in 1937? His name rhymes with Shmadolf Clitler.
21/ The underground well at Wardenclyffe was kept VERY hush-hush. We still don't know for sure what it was for. Tesla said it was to "have a grip on the Earth so the whole of this globe can quiver."

Also tunnels, perhaps for enhancing resonance.

Frequency and vibration.
22/ Whether it is a fatalistic coincidence, cosmic synchronicity, or the Cabal sending a message, I find it interesting that Tesla died on 1/7, just months before his patents were returned.

Also could be why top clearance in the Department of Energy is Q Clearance (17).
23/ Very interesting line of inquiry. Suspicious deaths of GEC Marconi employees in the 1980s. Perhaps not specifically related to Tesla, BUT Marconi clearly became the Cabal's go-to contractor in Britain.
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