Alright shall we?..... This thread explains a small part of the mysteriousness of the water bodies that covers approximately 71% of the earth, obviously bigger than all the continents put together, even if they all were joint.. just imagine
Let's imagine... if humans were rounded up to be 7 billion in population worldwide and they inhabit just 29% of the earth, etc... imagine the different organisms, sea bodies etc.. that can inhabit the rest 71% of the earth...But that's is that..... Now let's dive in
On the previous thread, questions came in on why sailors and sea workers fail at capturing events and happening.
I asked a few and I was told sailors are allowed to use cellphones only in "designated" areas, some even said they are not allowed at all except in ports.
Going by the response, most said they are not allowed, which also makes it difficult for them sharing strange events they encountered as there is no proof and in return makes them look crazy talking about it, so they just bottle it in. My sailor friend also told me this tho.
But what really caught my attention with a young sailor i chatted with was the conspiracy of water bodies and creatures scientist and organizations desperately keep away from people, heard it was to maintain sanity, eliminate panic in people which was quite understandable.
An aspect affected here mostly is the mermaid, now people all over the world confirmed the fact that they have seen mermaids at one point or the other, including my friend that inspired this thread, claimed in his 30 yrs experience he has seen and other sailors of his peers too
Observing critically the videos sent to me and testimonies of how mermaid are ugly, this video that emerged and was called the "best evidence" so far but for some reason unexplained it was rebuffed and tagging it "mockumentary" claiming it was acted out. This was 2013
Another video emerged, happened much earlier tho, speculations hinted 2001, group of Fishermen on a different sea in a different country engaged in industrial fishing and this happened.
Now notice how both videos shared something similar, both mermaids had "webbed hands" and both happened in different years apart and on different continents with different set of people.
Lol.....Again in a different country Israel specifically, a random shoot was on, then spotted a creature on what the dudes thought was a seal until it moved, crawling with both hands and it was observed the creature had flowing long hair
Observing closer... it was said the dudes confirmed it had flowing hair and hands... you still think it is all being acted out? Lol.... scroll down
Now, there are theories that scientist & organizations in charge of water bodies hasn't made know to the public and probably will never. From Area 51 that was speculated was a store house of aliens from other planets that was kept hidden from people to the ice wall of Atantica..
Which was stated had life threatening monsters in it and the UN was protecting and keeping the info away from the public.. Personnels in this field know this too but in line with their job, they kept it bottled up and even the ones that came out to speak were waved off.
Moving on....the speculated last depth of the sea called the challenger deep or marina trench which isn't really the last but the best any machine today can go was also dived into by James Cameron the director of the movie (Titanic) travelling down to the bottom of the sea.......
He explained & described the depth as extremely lonely and it felt like he was in another planet but also felt a strange sense of life hovering around him & In my earlier thread I stated my friend described this zone as the community that houses of mermaids. Lol
My sailor friend also told me he saw a certain creature with 6 eyeballs and lights in them came out of the water and he was sure science hasn't discovered it.. After 4 hours of surfing the bottom of the sea, guess what was part of James Cameron discovery?
He explained he later saw strange creatures hovering around and they all had "lights", some on their mouth, eye, body, head, jelly fishes too etc... a perfect example is the "Angler fish" and a strange fish both shines light on the mouth. making the theory very believable.
I read more on it and I discovered many sea bodies are "bioluminescence" in nature, meaning they make their own light to avoid being prey to bigger creatures or form camouflage in hiding.. So who says it is not possible for certain creatures to emit lights from the eyeballs? Lol
Another theory that makes this very believable is the beach of Maldives I'm sure many don't know a certain beach in Maldives glows light at night....
Taking a closer look at a video, a portion of the water is being played with, no logical explanation to this maybe bioluminescence but you just have to agree that nature is magical.
The sea is indeed a strange place from the lights theory to strange phenomenon of two water bodies that meets but didnt mix cuz of difference in water density and temperature in gulf of Alaska.
From a sailor it was made known we also boast of something of such in Lagos Anchorage.. yeah you heard that right LAGOS. If his location is correct and you are not aware of this? I don't think you are in the right position to question sea stories including me, just sit and learn
We barely have organizations in place to investigate, bring up facts and happenings around us.. if this is so close to us I see no reason why many shouldn't be aware cuz I'm guessing many aren't... below is a live video shared by a sailor.
He said right after this region you begin to see traces of sea monsters, of which he also confirmed to have noticed in an experience. Remember the earlier thread spoke about sea monsters not swimming in shallow water for some reasons mostly due to restrictions in water pressure?
And how they finally float when they are dead? Right here is a dead creature found in New Zealand scientist argued to be a killer whale or sea dragon or just another unnamed specie until they settled for a name "pukehina" not even recognized by dictionaries... Lol
Another video of an unknown Dead speculated sea monster washed up in Indonesia
And the holy books also confirmed the existense of sea monsters, job 41 was a full description of a sea monster called "leviathan". Which was said to be the biggest and strongest of all with a body that can never be harmed by any weapon.
It was also speculated that this monster is presently asleep bcos going by its gigantic nature, it was assumed that it can never be fed if it was awake.
The mysteriousness of the earth is vast as even the land we dwell hasn't been fully exploited, new animals, insects, species are discovered on a daily, so you can imagine the millions of creatures that are yet to be discovered in a large vast water body of 71%.
This thread was made for curiosity and entertainment purpose to answer the many questions thrown at the previous threads by bringing up visual and relatable facts..
Sea creatures aren't limited to a particular continent,sea or river, so if joy, chinyere & tunde claimed they saw a mermaid at a river, barbeach or even elegushi their chances of being right is a 95%. Choosing not to believe is totally fine, but concluding they lied is a joke you
Moving on..... i got over a 70 different stories from people sharing their experiences of mermaid and sea creatures...... For pop corns and drinks, here are some... A diver shared his tale, very believable
Lol..I will try share some more stories from my dm at dawn.. 🤗
Oh! Shout out to everyone that sent in materials via dm, TL.. also the sailors and sea workers... I'm a chronic lover of sea stories & facts, I will be sharing more stories as they come....and also feel free to throw in your stories to be shared.
Okay.. this sent chills down my spine, an experience from a sea worker from Ghana
Okayyyyyy... A sailor just sent in a weird unnamed creature in pictures and videos... Don't know if I'm going to post this so not to steer up things, I asked him tho, waiting on his response
A Senegalese shared.
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