Why are communists treating GDP as a measure of success of a socialist nation? Its vulgar Mussoliniite prouctivism that leads to this kind of inane bullshit. GDP is a measure of the amount of commodity production, which is AT BEST a vague measure of the development of a nation's
productive forces. In all likelihood a socialist country would lower their gdp under a planned economy over time, not increase it. The reasoning behind this is that a planned economy with increasing efficiency would eliminate capitalist trends like planned obsolescence of
products, reduce the need to over-produce, and drive the economy to become increasingly strategic and long termed in planning. When a country is semi-feudal obviously rapid industrialization will cause a rapid GDP boom, as more things need to be produced. Likewise a short term
development program, or defense of a nation from military intervention will spike gdp as it requires production of more goods. But, your "finance sector", your real estate sector these things arent marks of ACTUAL productive forces but rather of development and advancement of
capital. And as always when capital flourishes, socialism perishes, capital becomes an all consuming form of commodification. This is a key trait of it that portions of laborer's lives must be sold away. The commodification of laborers themselves is an absolute necessity of the
rise of capital. This was a major development of the french&british revolutions. That for the first time workers had the absolute right to their own body.
I highlighted these sections for reference because whole portions of them would be removed from a socialist US gdp. Utilities, healthcare, insurance, real estate, finance capital, arts exhibitions
378.9 BILLION and 2638.7 BILLION dollars gone from gdp in one quarter alone.
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