This thanksgiving, I'm thankful for @BernieSanders commitment to food justice. A promise to farmers, farmworkers, food service workers, and the millions of Americans who go hungry that we are going to create a government that works for you.
As president, @BernieSanders will expand SNAP eligibility and benefits, remove punitive work requirements, remove barriers to the program for college students and people with past interaction with our criminal justice system so that people can get the help they need.
He will address the fact that in America today, one in every six kids goes hungry. @BernieSanders and @IlhanMN are going to provide year-round, free universal school meals; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks through our school meals programs.
Students with lunch debt are sometimes denied meals, have debt collectors sent after their families, and are even denied diplomas. Not gonna happen in with @BernieSanders. Not only are we gonna provide free, universal meals-- we are going to eliminate all school meals debt.
. @BernieSanders will ensure that students get the food they need year-round. Our universal school meals programs with be year-round and we are going to expand the Summer EBT Program to ensure student who cannot get to a meals site can still get the nutrition they need.
Close to 5 million seniors in this country struggle with hunger. Since 2001, senior hunger increased by 45 percent. @BernieSanders will end senior hunger. We will expand the CSFP, congregate meals programs and Meals on Wheels programs to end the long waitlists for Meals on Wheels
He will ensure justice for farmworkers--making sure they are paid a living wage and have workplace protections. The average farmworker makes $10/hour for backbreaking work in brutal heat, working for 10 or more hours with no overtime pay due to racist exclusions in labor law.
Bernie will invest in family farms and rural communities -- not corporate ownership. He will ensure farmers are guaranteed a living wage by transitioning to a parity system and using tools like supply management. And @BernieSanders will break up the break up big ag.
And @BernieSanders will ensure justice for the workers who serve our food. He'll raise the minimum wage to $15/hr and end the tipped minimum wage. He'll guarantee workers the right to join a union, and address the rampant sexual harassment in the food service industry.
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