Every year I say I will be better financially prepared for Christmas. However single parent wages & wages in general don’t stretch very far. Once I’ve grounded myself in reality, I like bargain hunting, get best value for money, 4 gifts sourced saving 20 quid in comparison
And I do know Christmas isn’t about the gifts, and this year will be forcing me to think how to give the best value gifts and this might be a cooked meal for a best friend, Christmas dinner for my parents, but I like to do what I can for the range of little peeps in my life.
Been reading bits about financial well-being, & whilst it’s only one factor of many, I think money has probably impacted on me recently, with some unexpected bills, don’t get me wrong I’ve had the nice things in my life too which I know still makes me well off to a lot of others
And I will endeavour to make whatever contribution I can to those who are less fortunate and I really want my son to start to appreciate this. I don’t envy anyone who has worries, money is only one part of the puzzle but sometimes the worst can bring out our most creative.
The time coming up, doesn’t bring out my best self, I get stressed & anxious about the norms of work parties, secret Santa’s which whilst great & fun, in my head it’s racking up the pennies I can’t afford, self-care for me at this time of year is prioritising my financial focus.
This has to be ok, even though this is the most public forum, who at the end of the day wants to be the person who says I can’t afford it. No one wants to admit they are struggling with money or worried about it. I hope that we can be ok with peoples choices.
#Christmas2019 is a time for generosity of spirit, I welcome your time spent with me, I treasure the moments we share, that cup of tea you just made, I made for you, sometimes make it about the small things, as they are quite often the difference makers.
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