I’m rewatching all the Star Wars films to mark the end of the BB-9E saga. Please treat this as a chance to unfollow me. Love, Tom.
I know The Phantom Menace is dunked on to death, but it’s still so wild that the crawl includes the word ‘taxation’.
John Williams tho.
I used to love all the underwater fish stuff, but it’s a lot shorter than I remember and completely lacking in tension. It would work so much better if the Jedi were allowed to react to anything in the prequels.
I’ll never understand some people’s prequel rankings. At least Phantom was shot on film.
Even Jar Jar Binks’ walk is annoying.
I quite like Mama Vader, she has kind eyes.
Sure, Mama Vader, there was no father 🙄 whatever you say.
The Podrace is so superfluous but it kinda rules?
I know there’s all sorts of bullshit in the expanded universe, but it really feels like the reveal that Maul even has a lightsaber should be a bigger deal in a universe where we’ve only seen Jedi/Sith wielding them.
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