A good time for reflection of the movement. Also a good time to define it.
At the mountaintop of understanding, the Alt-Right was intended to be an esoteric & spiritual movement.
A Nietzschean renewal of the European-soul. To strive for ubermensch & uberfrau. It is born out of
A simple frustration for the fact we are stuck in a period of moral degeneracy, a lack of progress,
And that we have been lied to about world events & truths, particularly regarding the last few hundred years.
The movement represents truth and wherever that may lead. If science
Leads us to the fact that there are vast racial differences, so be it. If science leads us to the fact that NASA has lied about many voyages, also, so be it. In summary, the movement also represents Natural Law. Abiding by the laws of nature such as survival of the fittest, the
Natural roles of man and woman, and observing and honoring the beauty of nature. It also intends to steer clear of geo-engineering, genetically modified foods, fluoridated water, etc, making it highly environmentalist in nature.
In its a spirituality, it has shown an affinity
Toward Buddhist/Hindu ideas, as well as old European Pagan views on myth and Nature. While this movement accepts Christianity and all its accomplishments culturally, it is not lead by it. Ultimately, it feels at odds with it, as Christianity is the worship of a Jewish God in the
Name of equality, views to which our movement simply cannot agree. However, the movement is and must continue to be accepting of Christians as worthy and honorable members.
Ultimately, the movement is a workers movement. It believes in securing a real and secure economy, based on
Manufacturing. It protects the domestic economy with tariffs or outright laws banning companies from producing abroad and selling domestically. It nationalizes resources and banks which are highly dangerous to society when privatized. It encourages small business and larger
Business when it is called for, but it does all it can to prevent and outright ban monopolies which produce billionaires which is no benefit to society. It believes in strong national security, and national healthcare, eliminating insurance companies. It believes a consolidation
Of taxes would benefit society into a total of 20-25% income, banning all other taxes. The movement believes in using central government to regulate behavior, encouraging through policy all men in the workforce, and almost all women aiming to become wonderful mothers and wives.
The movement bans usury and all mechanisms of enslaving the populace via interest. The movement believes in technological progress as long as it serves society. Lastly, the movement believes that the only way to achieve these goals, born of the European mind, is to re-establish
Not only a European majority in the Nations which this movement is victorious, but almost unanimously so. Anything less can lead to the same issues we face now. The movement believes these aims can only be achieved with Europeans, and even if it could be achieved with others
Our souls wouldn’t even want it. Racial prejudice is Nature’s gift to preserve the beautiful diversity which mankind has evolved through millennia. We must find our fate, and thus others must find theirs. If the movement finds a way to convey these aspects of our ideology, it
Could succeed in its issue of lack of funding and move forward to turn the movement into an effective political party. I, for one, believe the movement will succeed.
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