. @dkiesow @JeremyLittau Don’t laugh, and this is tangential, but I’ve often wondered if we we’re not missing the obvious. An entire half-generation of college students got their socio-political news from the @TheDailyShow which was a fake news show with unfake … 1/5
facts. What if a news show was as entertaining, but wasn’t fake? What would be wrong with a kind of Weekend Update-ish formula where part of the story was straight news, and part of it was was comic relief.

I think this may have been at least partly … 2/5
@lizzWinstead’s original insight for TDS, but it was never really developed outside that initial model. If podcasts, linklists, newsletters and other ephemera supplemented the segments, it might create a more information-rich plasma around the stories than anything … 3/5
we’re seeing forming or persisting around straight journalism today.

As a bonus, local comedy and theatrical talent could be used exclusively, creating a spin-off benefit for local arts development. It wouldn’t replace straight models, but could certainly enhance … 4/5
and augment their visibility and watchability for the average consumer whose attention is a perishable commodity, 5/5
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