hey guys, so i just wanted to give a little lesson on adolescence psychology and brain development since ive actually studied that in uni, and in a fandom with so many young people i think it’s important for us all to understand how our brains work at a younger age.
many people in this fandom range from 14-17, with some younger and some older. up until the age of 21 our brains are still developing, and in our teens we are very poor at decision making. this is why you seen teens being more reckless than other age groups.
please keep this in mind online as this also plays a role in how we communicate at that age. it’s easy for us to say things in the wrong context or in a way we don’t mean and we don’t realize until it’s pointed out.
if you see a tweet from someone and it seems wrong, dm them and ask about it before immediately blowing up and calling them out. ask them to elaborate and maybe say why you don’t think it was right. and then proceed from there.
we are all continuing to learn, and i see many of my mutuals who are younger who accidentally say something they “shouldnt” and all it takes is a dm saying “hey you shouldnt say this because xyz” and it allows people to learn.
wrong things are still wrong. misinformation does not excuse it, but don’t become a bully before trying to educate someone. because if you do you’re no better. fight hate with love, not with hate. 💕 we’re all human, even though we’re behind a screen. be kind.
also this isn’t on any particular thing, this is just something I’ve picked up on recently and have been thinking about talking about.
* I’ll also add that some things are inexcusable and are not due to age (such as those disgusting cc’s sent last night). i mean smaller things than that. that was blatant racism.
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