Message I sent my daughter:

Disagree with you. Firstly, no opposition party has a chance of winning. So Labour won’t force through their programme. Secondly, that the election is lost is what the Tories want you to believe. There’s still two weeks left and a lot can happen. 1/
Thirdly, it’s not about ‘winning’ or ‘losing’ the election. Our objective must be to return another hung Parliament and FORCE British politics into compromise and cross-party working, as happens in rest of Europe. 2/
The winner-take-all mentality should be confined to the history books. In order to further this objective I see our role as stopping Tories from getting a working majority and stuffing Parliament with as many moderate, Remain minded MPs, irrespective of party, 3/
and further frustrate Brexit. We can vote again in 5 years to reverse what we’ve done if we so choose. But once Brexit is done, it’s done. It’s irreversible. And another 5 years of the Tories will deliver this country into the hands of America. I don’t want that! 4/
Fourthly, I don’t believe in honourable but pointless gestures. We all have a patriotic duty to at least attempt to save this country from catastrophe. Messages about the rising centre ground have been sent for years with absolutely nothing happening. It’s been pointless. 5/
Politics has instead become more polarised. By all means vote LibDem if doing so will beat a Tory. But if the only candidate with a fighting chance of beating a Tory is a Green, Plaid, Indy, SNP or Labour, it’s our duty to vote for that person. 6/
I don’t give a toss how Labour chose to interpret the result. And fifth and finally, I don’t actually believe that all Labour policies are bad. If some watered down Labour policies make it through to the statute book, that would be no bad thing. 7/
This government is a corrupt cabal of shysters and charlatans that represent a gangster kleptocratic form of capitalism. That form of capitalism caused the 2008 crisis and it’s unsustainable. It will destroy the world economic and social order. 8/
It’s our duty to stand up to it. We must never give up. We must fight to the end! 9/

The above was in response to a message from her suggesting it was wrong to vote tactically cause Tories would win anyway. Don’t know if I managed to convince her
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