Not feeling great about the incentive structures being set up by how responses to antisemitism are covered in English-language media
Those alologising, taking ownership, committing to improvement, etc. are constantly hounded over it while the ones who just power through and refuse acknowledgement are let off
Of course it’s no coincidence that the difference falls very clearly along an axis of both left-right economics and chumminess with Israel’s current regime
But I’m trying to imagine myself as a sane, rational person watching the debacle Brit-Labour have landed themselves in vs. the likes of Orbán, Trump, etc. who just refuse to acknowledge it
What is that person going to judge as the most politically expedient choice when dealing with antisemitism issues?
This goes for all across the politics spectrum and both those who really are antisemitic and others who might slip up or have it used against them disingenuously
I’m not worried about pogroms or violence from the left. My concern is that watching everything happen now and lacking any properly structured discussion on antisemitism the response will be to become set on an auto-dismissal of raised issues
Because with the trends emerging and growing I and every other Jewish person are going to desperately need a strong left on our side that understands and takes seriously the threat of antisemitism
The US Christian right will soon arrive at a purely ethno-nationalist definition of antisemitism that explicitly makes Jewish people synonymous with the Israeli state
Under this definition only the ~20% of US Jews that support their agenda are *really* Jewish. This excludes not just non/anti-Zionists but the liberal Zionist majority that want a peaceful two-state solution. Even that’s regarded as a betrayal.
Which happily leaves them free to openly regurgitate antisemitic conspiracies about Soros and (((Marxists))) all they want. Those Jews aren’t ‘real Jews’ so it won’t be antisemitism
Some of them are already there. This could be the default position before next year’s election.
After that it won’t take long to infect the UK right. Which if it really takes hold with make Labour’s antisemitism issues look quaint and this whole period absurdly naive
This all applies to Ireland as well. The rhetoric of our far-right is rife with antisemitism imported to us from Europe and the States
And every time I see it I have this struggle over whether I should be calling it out. Because there just aren’t a lot of people here versed enough in it to notice
I’m going to continue doing my best to have the desperately needed discussions on antisemitism that larger institutions just don’t seem interested in -
- how it empowers racist narratives, how it degrades class-conciousness, how central it is to white nationalism and the far-right, how it shields the wealthy and powerful from scrutiny, how often it is knowingly made nods and winks to for personal gain...
But I’m one person with a tiny platform. I can’t do this alone.
I need a left with me that understands it and knows how to fight it, that incorporates antisemitism into its fight for socialism and against racism and the far-right
And I’m greatly encouraged by the enthusiasm for understanding I see, especially from my own generation.
I’m asking a difficult thing. But a thing that is absolutely necessary if we’re going to succeed. Please, stand with me.
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