So let's start a new subject. This time about Chinese tanks. And let's start with the most advanced ones, ZTZ-99 and ZTZ-99A. However story starts with ZTZ-99 prototype, which is often called Type 98 in some sources, however this might not be correct designation.
The ZTZ-99 series are obviously inspired by the Soviet tanks, especially T-72. Some sources claim that China somehow aquired a T-72 from unspecified source, but considering many countries use T-72's, it is rather likely that China procured a T-72M or T-72M1 export variants.
However the series production ZTZ-99 tanks were slightly upgraded with ERA modules on turret front, sides and hull front upper glacis plate. This ERA known as FY series, in FY-IV variant is most likely based on Soviet 4S22 Kontakt-5 ERA.
The vehicle is also equipped with panoramic commander sight, most likely it's a day only device. Commander also have a manually operated 12.7mm heavy machine gun mount.
Let's talk about protection and it's weak points. Obviously we do not know exact protection levels of this vehicle. But we can assume it might be on the level of T-72B Model 1989 or T-80U/UD. So let's talk about weaknesses.
Major weakness of the vehicle is the hull sides protection. Hull sides from avaiable materials (photos/videos) from factory reveals that hull sides on their entire lenght are only ~50mm thick and made from simple RHA. Photo shows newer ZTZ-99A hull during production process.
Also hull sides do not have any meaningfull additional protection. Only extremely thin sheet metal screens. However we should not assume that these screens can't be replaced during war time with for example skirts with ERA modules.
Also turret front armor modules are interesting. They are replaceable and easy to attache. However this mechanism takes roughly 50% of the armor module volume, thus reducing it's effectiveness.
This is probably why newer ZTZ-99A do not have easy replaceable front turret armor modules. Instead turret was enlarged and front armor geometry was changed.
Also the driver station was moved to the left side of the hull. We can even at photos from factory see where armor gets thinner there to make space for driver vision blocks.
ZTZ-99 and ZTZ-99A tanks are definately capable machines, however not without weaknesses. A proper design analysis backed up by various video or photograp materials can support such study and make a proper conclusions on the design capabilities, ignoring propaganda and disinfo.

Speaking about ZTZ-99 and ZTZ-99A tanks, they are armed with 125mm ZPT-98 (or it's modifications) smoothbore gun. The gun uses a copy of the T-72/T-90 series AZ type autoloader.
AZ type autoloader can use only APFSDS with lenght of penetrator ~740mm. So they are rather avarage. And you can forget Chinese propaganda bollocks saying about APFSDS round piercing 900mm or 1000mm of RHA plate.
Still however Chinese tanks had good firepower and should not be underestimated, just as they should not be overestimated. Realistically they are on the level of the Russian tanks like T-72B3, T-80U or T-90A in terms of firepower.
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