Many British campaigning NGOs have demanded this election be a climate election. Yet they continue to address and develop relations with the Tories. Demands for zero carbon are requested by 2045 instead of 2030 Labour has promised already.
A "climate election" means no Tories.
Charity commission says NGOs cannot be political, but having worked in the sector, I know for a fact that NGO workers are political (Labour or Greens), and their managers are political too (New Labour / Tory leanings, maybe Lib Dem).
But instead of actually demanding the future we need, NGOs always suck up to horrible and powerful players in govt, thinking that is their avenue for change. In many ways, they are unlike the BBC - run by those who only care about their jobs, not about our collective futures.
We live on odd political times where EVERYTHING is political. Apolitical stances which subtly support Tory power because it is presumed the Tories are going to win is political. It stops us from dreaming and abandons us - the members of their organisations.
In order to make the changes back to the left that we want, we need to take more risks. We need to be more hopeful and authentic. Enough is enough. If you really want to meet your mission statements, you need to dismantle the NGO industrial complex. Otherwise it's just hypocrisy.
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