Now we have a panel on MAKING MONEY OUT OF WRITING. Follow the hashtag to know more! #ALCS2019
1. Fiction isn’t everything. Tracey Sinclair explains how she created a niche for herself alongside her fiction writing, working for businesses who may not have the narrative skills to bring to the job. #ALCS2019
2. Amy Lord, whose first novel was published on Unbound, talks about the demands of holding down a full time job as well as writing her book. #ALCS2019
3. Barry Hutchinson speaks of his numerous false starts and disappointments before finding his niche with a continuing series of children’s books. 120 books on, he says that most of his income still comes from school visits and talks. #ALCS2019
4. Everyone agrees that it pays to diversify. Smaller projects add up, and to combine fiction, nonfiction, comics, talks, articles, ghostwriting, visits and corporate events is a good way to get your name out, make contacts and make your writing into a full time job. #ALCS2019
5. If this sounds like a lot of hard work, it is. But no-one who goes into writing should expect it to be easy money. #ALCS2019
6. A lot of people who want to write for a living imagine that they’re going to be working for themselves straightaway. The truth is that like in many other jobs, you pay your dues, learn skills and gain experience by working for other people first. #ALCS2019
7. Hang onto your rights as much as you can. That means digital, audio, TV and film, serialisation, foreign rights, VR, game and anything else that can be used to monetise your IP. There’s a lot of money in IP. Make sure some of it goes to you. #ALCS2019
8. There’s money in social media. Companies will often pay enterprising young writers to tweet or insta on their behalf. #ALCS2019
9. Rid yourself of the concept that writing should be “pure”, unless you’re happy for yours to be largely unpaid. #ALCS2019
10. Engaging with the reading and writing community has become essential in raising a young author’s profile. Amy talks about the process of raising money for her Unbound project via the help of an online support group. #ALCS2019
11. Not all social media is equally likely to earn you money. Barry says that if there is no upturn in sales from an online campaign or action, he doesn’t do it again. #ALCS2019
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