I'm seeing a lot of misunderstanding about what "sell the NHS" means.

American corporations aren't interested in looking after ill British people (nursing, A&E etc.)

They're interested in selling drugs to sick British people who can't refuse (because they'd die).
I keep seeing comments along lines of "NHS is a money pit, nobody would buy it!". Yes, it's not about buying all of it and running a shinier American version of what we have. that's very naĂŻve. It's about making more profit on the parts which can make profit (supliers, services).
I saw an amazing statistic the other day, that US healthcare is 20% of the US economy. That's "yuge" as Trump would say. It's no coincidence they also have massive levels of addiction to prescription drugs.
Late addition to this, it's taken off a bit?

Our Gov might or might not be lying "the NHS isn't for sale." (As others have pointed out, lots has already been sold & they have form for lying).
Problem is: with this Brexit they could put UK in position where it may be unavoidable.
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