Okay, I've cleaned up some tweets from my Twitter. I'm going to do it after all, make a "clean slate". Twitter is no longer going to be my dumping ground for miserable rants, I can't keep doing this and making my customers or future customers feel bad.
Keep in mind that I haven't acted badly towards customers for over a year. I'm so proud of myself! But that doesn't excuse hurting a recent customer. I hope you can forgive me... in fact, I hope anyone I've hurt in the past can forgive me. You know who you are.
Just... this is a spiral that I can't keep doing infinitely. It's a cycle. I can't keep doing this song and dance every time. Hopefully, with my price changes and my renewed motivation, I can step towards a better future for myself and keep drawing great art for you all!
I just worry if people don't believe me. Because I say one thing, and then the next I do an entirely different thing, almost like I'm bipolar or something. Look, I know I'm a hypocrite... I recognize that I've screwed up. Just tell me what I can do to make it up to you all.
Really, what can I do to make it up to those I've hurt in the past, those who I've chased away when all they have done is be wonderful friends and customers asking for some very sexy art? I want to know what I can do.
You can follow @BigMommaArk.
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