The very idea that Andrew Neil will *not* interview Boris Johnson during #GE2019 worries me a lot - for the sake of UK politics, and for the future of the BBC too

I will explore the aspects of this in the thread
First a caveat: Neil is a divisive character. I tend to not trust him. Others take the opposite view. But for the sake of this thread let's not argue about whether Neil is good or bad.

Like it or not, Neil is the BBC's most prominent political interviewer. We start from there.
If you are in any doubt as to the impact these interviews can have... have a look at the Daily Mail front page the day after Corbyn was interviewed
The clear implication from the BBC tweet that the date has not been set for an interview with Johnson, *and* that dates have been found for Sturgeon, Corbyn, Swinson and Farage, was that all leaders were told their counterparts would be interviewed too.

That was the deal.
There *could* be the problem that all agreed in principle, but that then the Tories are deliberately prevaricating on the date.

But that is pretty much to be expected. Johnson dodges scrutiny whenever he can.
So that then puts the BBC and @robburl in the spotlight. What's the plan if Johnson and his team refuse to find a time?
To just *not* do an interview and behave as if nothing happened is clearly not fair on the other 4 who agreed to do this, based on a deal that all 5 would.

It is especially problematic bearing how the 2 interviews that have happened so far have driven the news agenda.
And - more widely - if the BBC is not able to hold the party leaders to account in an even handed way, who possibly can?

So if Johnson continues to refuse, the BBC needs another plan. An hour of Neil doing a documentary style piece on Johnson perhaps? Or an hour of empty chair?
For the sake of the future of the BBC's political coverage, and for the sake of fairness and balance in the coverage and scrutiny of #GE2019 the BBC needs to get this right.

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