"Let's just get Brexit out of the way and then we can go back to normal."

If this is you, then we need to have a chat.
First of all, leaving the EU is only step 1. We have at least five, probably nearer 10 more years of wrangling over our future relationships.

Brexit in total will end up taking close to 20 years. /2
This is one of the reasons why people call for No Deal. It has the attraction of at least being simple.

But it's as ludicrous as leaving your house and then calling for No House. It is as act as desperate as running away from home with just one small bag. /3
In today's world the UK MUST trade internationally. We simply don't have the framework in place to be self-contained.

But if we're not competitive, we'll be bypassed. Ignored. Shunned.

The EU makes us competitive.

But you know all this, right? /4
Just so you know: voting for the Tories is voting for 10 more years of watching this country wrangling over Brexit and slowly becoming a basket case. /Ends
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