“Shortly after taking up positions, the Ukrainians found that their communications and navigation equipment was being interfered with. At around 4:20am they noticed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) apparently observing the column. Then the firing started....” 2
So before any kinetic action active EW was being used against the force (I’m assuming passive to locate before that) therefore our comms need to be able to mitigate this; e.g. technically hiding in spectrum or physically using existing fixed infra like phone and broadband links 3
Then if UAVs are being used in a #Find role some form of counter UAV is of use, as well as our own EWSI capability to identify the control station location and disrupt the ISR feed that’s being used to co-ordinate enemy action, 4
“Russian counter-battery fire on the other hand has been observed to take between 4 and 6 minutes.” Highlights the need for mobile and armoured CIS assets - that can be moved fast and ideally allow for C2 on the move... 5
“In the longer term, therefore, perhaps the most effective way of suppressing Russian fires is targeting the logistical tail to their artillery systems.” Sounds like a perfect job for some Cyber Fires, but let’s also secure our on logistics systems.... 6
“A unified and complete battlespace management system enabling the three-dimensional .... visualisation of the battlespace in real time.” Is where Bowman and in the future MORPHEUS should work; but also enabling Log, G3 and G1 functions - fires is just one ask... 7
“fusing images from a vast array of collected data allowed brigade staffs to plan the precise use of fires.” Requires a common interoperable standard that can integrate military and civilian systems - this will make MORPHEUS look easy.... 8
“Moreover, the need to pass large quantities of data to centralised headquarters for it to be processed creates a slow kill chain.” Is incorrect we either empower people to make greater decisions or send the info we need (ID and location) than what we desire - video.... 9
“The link also creates a persistent signature, enabling enemies to locate and fire upon command infrastructure.” Only if you use RF - plugging the HQ, sensor and weapon into the internet can mitigate this but then opens up other threats that need to be managed - agility 10
No mention of the CIS requirements to maintain, sustain and keep supplied this artillery force; management laptops; AI informed resupply and IOT tech to facilitate maintenance; 11
So overall - and expected by an organisation like RUSI a great focused paper on the future of fires but IMHO misses the elephant in the room - future battlefield comms. 12 - End.
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