Some capital budget items went before the HRM budget committee yesterday. HRFE plans to spend about 20 million dollars in the next three years on capital expenditures. Most of these are projects already discussed, such as (con't)
New Stations 8, 9, 63, new HQ, etc. Two pieces of news, as far as I'm concerned: 1) they are now actively budgeting for a new aerial this budget year (20/21). That has been rumoured a lot but this is the first time it's become official, I think.
2) there's no active item for a new training grounds, so I think that piece (despite a lot of talk) is still a ways off.
They're planning to purchase six engines, the aerial, and a bunch of light support units this year for a total of over 7-million dollars on apparatus. That's way more than they've been spending and is probably the most they've ever spent on apparatus in a year, I'd think.
All the rest of the capital budget items are old news, I think. New AVLs, opticom, recapitalizing stations, FDM improvements, dry hydrants, etc etc

End of thread. Might post more tomorrow.
Oh, one other thing. I don't see anything about the fire boat, but I think that's because they had it in last year's budget. The tender was extended and I don't think it has been awarded. Just guessing, but I'd say the spring delivery they were talking about is off the table.
Based on the history of fireboats here, might be good to take their time and get it right!

Ok, end of thread now for real.
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