The Owairaka protest shows me that pakeha are having an identity crisis. They claim tangata whenua due to their relationship with the maunga & even thought it ok to take on ceremonial roles like Karanga. I heard a protester weeping from behind a tree during the karakia procession
Pakeha are tangata tiriti and have a special relationship with aotearoa through this. However, this relationship has boundaries that must be respected. The occupation of Owairaka and refusal to engage with mana whenua is a good case study in how not to be a good treaty partner.
It was funny at the time but shows there’s still much to do with treaty education, the roles of Maori and pakeha in our maori ceremony & whether theres misappropriation of our culture to claim indigeneity. Pakeha allies are important (I’m pakeha too) & this may be a small pocket.
The answer though is more cultural education, not less. More sharing. There’s more similarities than differences between us here in aotearoa & these differences make us stronger. It is our treaty relationship that shapes us.
I think the majority of people who turned up to the hui felt uncomfortable by some of the antics & most prob supported mana whenua. It was a gathering of concerned people from the four corners which was good to see.
That’s my essay for today. Now back to my day job as a defence lawyer in manukau.
Should clarify: not ALL pakeha. Some.
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