Watching the Twitter Horror Community slowly start to eat itself inside out, debating over what came first in the 80s/90s horror movies; the story or the social commentary?
A lot of people seem to forget that both types of movies can exist within the industry, and they do! Why people feel the need to talk down to one another is disheartening, and to see such a big horror icon just feed into that...just...I don't know
Good example of a horror movie with a story written first with political commentary last; Night of the Living Dead.

It wasn't intentional, but it made a lot of progress in cinema for its time, you can't deny that
Good example of a horror movie with political commentary in mind before a story; They Live.

There would be no story without the intended political message. It's overt. And there's nothing wrong with that either!
I'm going to be honest, I understand that a lot of people retroactively attach new readings onto old material; it's what helps keep art alive if we keep viewing, enjoying, & talking about it.

That doesn't automatically mean that all political messages in horror was unintended
Trying to invalidate newer horror by saying that they're not as subtle as older horror is a huge disservice to creators, unfairly lumps movies into small categories that don't fit them & I hope some people will take the time to rethink some of their stances ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
Oops 70s/80s is the timespan

Point still stands though
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