With an all-white jury, I assume. https://twitter.com/WalkerBragman/status/1199766570400145410
Maybe it’s high time to put Walker’s 2016 conduct on trial.
The admiration and excitement that Walker and his confederates had for Trump was palpable, and they insist on claiming they warned us.
Trump called Mexicans rapists in his announcement speech, yet Walker insisted on this narrative well into 2016.
His view could not have been more clear: he wanted Trump to win.
Over and over, day after day, for 18 months. We are living in the reality that Walker tried everything in his measly power to bring about.
Did he feel any regret afterwards? No, he was defensive over Trump's victory, and was disdainful of reports that he had nonsensical link to a Russian bank.
He was, in fact, pleased. His true enemy was defeated and would never rise again. Unless they did of course, but that would be unthinkable as it would mean he stood with Trump and got nothing out of it but his own obsolescence.
He's doing it again and he'll do it in 2020. He will try his best to get Trump reelected. This is not a prediction, this is not an accusation, this is an inevitability.
I rest my case.
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