
Ok since we're still talking about institutions and like "but what ELSE are we going to do with mentally ill people", I'm going to talk about something that happened in my family. The Great Uncle I didn't know I had.

This is in the UK. My grandmother had a half brother. During WWII, he punched a superior officer. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia (accurate? IDK 🤷)

He was then placed in an asylum. For ~40 years.

When deinstitutionalization happened in the UK, my uncle got out. It could have gone very badly because with ~40 years in an asylum, you lose a lot of life skills.

But instead of just tossing him on the street and expecting him to fend for himself, my uncle got social assistance and managed to move into an apartment with three other men who had also been warehoused in an institution.

My mother did not know her uncle existed when she was growing up. I didn't know he existed until I developed bipolar disorder and thought we didn't have a family history of MI. My mom was like, "um actually"

I've been trying to find out more about him and his life. My great aunt who regularly visited him has Alzheimer's now, so I probably need to ask my cousin her daughter.

But what I did find is that when I was being diagnosed, he was still alive. I didn't know.

Please check out this article by @slooterman about how Harris (and Buttigieg and Klobuchar) want to increase the warehousing of mentally ill people under their current plans https://twitter.com/slooterman/status/1199749598929211393?s=19

I have seen a lot of people say we need "more beds" instead of having mentally ill people end up in jail or homeless

But those are not the only options

Like my great uncle, many people need support so we can live in the community. That's what we're fighting for
See also: https://twitter.com/AlisonBarkoff/status/1199804115917910017?s=19
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