Just want to send love and strength to LGBTQ people fortifying themselves for possibly difficult family reunions for Thanksgiving. Remember, your presence, time, energy, and your love are gifts to them. Don’t make yourself smaller to fit the box anyone else wants to put you in.
Don’t dim your light so their happy family photo looks perfect. We all handle family conflicts differently. It’s okay to choose a compromise - if that works for you. It’s okay to not be out or come out if you are concerned about how they will react. It’s okay to not go home if
doing so diminishes your self-confidence or self-worth. It’s easy for some people to walk away from family who aren’t full accepting, but it’s okay if it’s not easy for you. Handle it however suits you best, but make sure the terms are also yours and not just theirs.
Remember, you can’t choose your birth family, but if they let you down, or don’t approve of or accept all of who you are - choose and build a family that does! If you’re not out and feel isolated by not having either - there are lots of us you can reach out to privately! Do!
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