Hey, my friends. Guess what day it is. IT'S #HUMPDAY. So today we will be addressing STIs and how we need to destigmatize them. I know it's an awkward topic and I'm here to say IT SHOULDN'T BE. If you're going to have sex, you might come across having to make that phone call.
It's not a fun call to make at all, but STIs are like any other illness. You have common courtesy with the cold or the fly don't you? STIs are not different. Hell, a majority of them are a quick test a round of antibiotics and you're golden. Just wrap it next time.
I'll always advocate for safe sex and condoms, but if you and your partner want to raw dog it, that's fine. Just be aware that STIs can happen to anyone. Honesty here is so important and you're a real dickhole if you know your status and withhold that information.
So many people are scared to get tested and scared to share their results if they come up positive for something. A lot of diseases symptoms show up in women more than men, so we usually go to the doctor and find out. Shitty, but what can you do about it? Oh. CALL YOUR PARTNER.
Tell your partner to get tested, what you have, and what meds they need to get rid of it or control it. Can they get angry? Absolutely. But they should appreciate the hell out of you for being honest. You can go to your primary care doctor, Planned Parenthood, urgent care, etc.
They're all discreet, professional, and effective. So, my dears, having an STI isn't the end of the world. It's just like any other illness that gets passed between people. Some are worse than others, but all are manageable and most are literally popping pills for a week.
So GET REGULARLY TESTED because that shit can spread even without sex (blood borne pathogens next week) and no one wants to be the cause of STIs spreading. Like getting the flu shot, be proctive and not reactive.
So with that my babes, I'd like to encourage you to have your fun, stay safe, BE HONEST, and get kinky my loves, if you so choose. ❤
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