This is interesting. october 26th. USAID team trained ready for "disaster resilience" in #Samoa. #vaxxed #antivax
It looks like it might be the same people now referred to as "measles vaccination teams".
This is from one of the people in the first tweet around time UN said there was a risk of an outbreak in Samoa in an article dated september 30th. "The best protection against the virus is vaccination"
well the tweet is dated september 2nd and says something about a "ready project".
the article about the UN warning is all about vaccines. there is not any mention of anything to mitigate the effects of an outbreak only a vaccine push "“For measles, at least 95 per cent immunization coverage is needed" the UNICEF advisory states.
“The W.H.O has been active in this area from the beginning, since the tragic event happened in 2018,”..“We helped in a big way in terms of establishing the cause of death and the aftermath of it by reviewing existing guidelines and by training people"
Thats a sept 4th article so everything was ready for the outbreak apart from it would appear any proper training in how to deal with an outbreak in terms of reducing casualties.
I was looking into tylenol the other day.
what it was I found I think was pamol was more dangerous during fasting. i suppose that #measles could be called fasting. #samoameasles
It sounds pretty bad. Maybe there is sufficient evidence for countries to arrest WHO personel to investigate what is going on? Maybe under questioning much more can be established. #samoameasles
Dr Morse says #measles is easy to detox and I would say so is the #WHO. #samoameales #samoa
There is something called ventillator associated pneumonia. wouldn't it by ironic there is people with masks on and then the actual sick baby they put on a ventilator to inhale all sorts of germs when they are already sick? #measles #samoa #antivax
even wikipedia says right there "VAP is a major source of increased illness and death"
It would be interesting to know the gender of the victims coz with #unicef they could be overdosing people on vitamin A. "400,000 girls can die from vitamin A supplementation Hundreds of thousands of girls risk dying if the WHO, as planned" #samoameasles
" There is ample evidence that breast milk has an immunomodulating effect via interferon and Th1 cell response to #measles that formula does not have." #samoa #samoameasles
Looks like samoanews is not samoa but american samoa a nearby island. It may however still be relevent. “in some countries, such as Samoa, infant formula is still found in large quantities in local stores.”
its a good thread tho. i guess nobody has anything to say but I got a like and put some other good stuff in my replies section. #samoa #samoameasles
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