This —

I felt more and more uneasy in the recent weeks and months about #EconTwitter, and I think this is exactly why
And the last sentence of this tweet:
I know it’s easy and kind of natural to project one experience as "the" experience, but maybe it’s not a bad thing to ask oneself how one’s experience "generalize" or not

(It’s not an advice though. Just a remark or whatever)
And also this great thread by Sarah:
So at the end, I think the go-to advice about grad school/career/whatever is probably "it depends"

And "it depends" is a conclusion we know very well as economists

So I’m kind of surprised that we are not using it more often
(This last tweet was supposed to be slightly humorous but I guess I shouldn’t try to be funny after a long cardio session at the gym)
(And anyone who answers that I shouldn’t try to be funny *period* will be instantly blocked)
(This previous tweet was also a joke ok?)
And also why all the advices in the world won’t change the underlying problem they try to mitigate unless something meaningful is done
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