I know it’s a day early, but there are some things for which I am truly thankful, and I would like to share with my friends.
🦃I am grateful that we still have the right to speak our minds (barring twitter censorship)
🦃I am grateful we still have cleanish air
🦃I am grateful we still have drinkable water, for the most part
🦃I am grateful that, during the past 3 years, we have found out what happens when the majority of the population is too apathetic/tired/disgusted to vote
🦃I am grateful the cowardly are now known
🦃I am grateful we can still vote out the cowardly, maggot-ridden treasonweasels
🦃I am grateful we flipped the House in 2018, or there would have been no accountability
🦃I am grateful for all the people who understand we must unify to defeat corruption
🦃I am grateful to all the people who are working to stamp out oppression, bigotry of all stripes, and income inequality, who are working to reverse climate catastrophes
🦃We may be the deluxe assortment of mixed nuts, but that’s what democracy looks like
🦃I am grateful for all the people who are standing up to corruption and evil
🦃I am grateful we live-for now-under the rule of law
🦃I am grateful for family and friends, for those I’m following and for my followers. Let us achieve, at last, a more perfect union.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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