Graduated in 2008 in a crap economy where I was offered a $15/hr CNA position with a nursing degree because no one was hiring.

10 years later: buying and selling real estate with cash because I ignored terrible boomer financial advice.
And they talk crap ABSOLUTELY ENDLESSLY.

Y’all need to sit this one out.
PS I didn’t take that CNA job. I went to a place so hard to live and work that they paid me a signing bonus to move there with zero experience. And I worked nights. It was a GRIND.
How did I get to be the director of nursing? I moved to the ARCTIC in JANUARY to get experience.

I had the kind of hustle where you endure walking to work -30 degree weather to get paid.

And these boomers calls us lazy and entitled. GTFO.
So this is my official OK BOOMER. I own a yacht now bc I married a good man and I used to walk to work wearing THIS.
Anyone who says “ok boomer” hasn’t paid the mortgage
G 👏🏻 T 👏🏻 ENTIRE 👏🏻 F 👏🏻 O
This is me 10 years ago in a tiny house next to a strip mall in NM where lived when I started working as a nurse and I had a cat and an air mattress. This is me before my first shift on nights.

So lazy, so entitled.
10 years later.
Some guy on twitter puts out a one line tweet and I’m like

I’m pulling up receipts from 2008 😂
Triggered millennial isn’t taking any more **** off boomers.
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