So, figured I'd bring up with what's been going on with me lately. I haven't been writing as much and seeing news items being picked up that I knew about ages ago, but couldn't say out of respect, makes me realize how out of touch I am with reporting these days. /1
I've been in this rut for a while now. A place where as much as I wanted to keep journalism going, more than anything, career security is what I'm after and the piecemeal trickle of work is really starting to get to me. Just like I had creatively, that block professionally /2
is back. I still want to keep things going, but it's getting harder to find that same drive when the uncertainly of regular work rears its head and I spend too much time chasing down payroll more than leads.

I need to redirect myself.
I will say, the state of vitriol and distrust of journalists, not to mention the attacks acquaintances have received and still continue to do so, hasn't helped much with reminding me that journalism is a worthwhile track.
More on this, Journalism without any kind of contract or security just doesn't seem viable to me anymore.
What's more, the chasing and the legwork just doesn't seem worth it to me when I can't even find the time for it.
I coast by money-wise and the uncertainty of putting work out means that the supplementary pay isn't there when it's needed. It's honestly impossible to say a thing is your job, when you're never sure when you'll being doing it again.
I used to call myself a journalist because the work was there. Now, this block has stifled me to the point where used to say "Yes I'm a journalist" to now "I write sometimes."
The prospect of "I used to." is horrifying to me.
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