BTS have not made good music since 2016 ? Then, what are these ; a very important thread .
You Never Walk Alone
Title Track : Spring Day
Speaks about missing your loved ones whom you haven't met in a long time/you have unfortunately lost . A song that sings about the loss of sewol ferry tragedy
LY : Her
Physical edition exclusive track : Sea
Speaks about BTS' struggles in the past and how they've over come all those struggles and finally made it to the beautiful oasis instead of being lost in the desert where the mirage aka reality hurts/tricks them .
LY : Tear
B side track : Paradise
A song about how happiness and peace in life matters the most and it's ok to even live without having dreams, and is comforting to people who are lost in life and have no goals yet and tells them to cheer up
LY : Answer
B side track : Love Myself : Answer
A song about how ARMYs aka the so called toxic fandom helped BTS to love themselves and gave a reason/purpose to keep moving on in life while making beautiful memories
Hope World
B side track : Piece of Peace pt.1
Hoseok singing/rapping about how grateful and thankful he is to ARMYs who have always been by his side + telling ARMYs that he will be their shoulder to lean on and bring them happiness
B side track : Uhgood
Namjoon singing/rapping about how in the loneliest days of life one only needs to befriend themselves and become their first friend in order to deal with the highs and lows of life
A song how Jimin promises ARMYs that he will hold us tight and protect us till the very end and asks us to Promise him to be the reason of our own happiness before anyone else's
Taehyung singing about how ARMYs are his beautiful scenery that brought him loads of happiness and how he wonders what's the next story in life for both him and ARMYs TOGETHER
This Night
Jin dedicating his first ever composition to the pets he has lost unfortunately and sharing his pain with ARMYs and opening up about how he feels [Something your faves will never do]
B side : Jamais Vu
Hope, Jin and Kook singing about how they want a remedy aka a solution for all their problems , the song comforts those who have struggled so much in life to the point where they need AID aka remedy for their struggles
DON'T YOU FLIPPING DARE COME @ ARMYs and say BTS have not released good songs when they've put out only JEMS since debut till now , just say your jealous and move you jealous mfs .
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